Kars is called JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s major nemesis in Part 2 of the Manga/Anime. It is the race leader known as the men of the column. Someone may not know about how exactly strong he is, right? So, let’s discover more about him right now!
- Series   JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
- Age   ~102,000
- Birthday   Around 100,000 B.C
- Sex   Male
- Height   202cm (6 ft 8 in)
- Weight   Unknown
- Alignment   Neutral Evil
Kars was a member of a vampire species that previously were venerated by mankind as gods. The race could not live in the sunshine, however, since it was turned into ashes. Wanting to overcome the sun, Kars built the stone mask to enhance his skills (and turn a human into a vampire). He couldn’t protect it alone from the light. Thus, by amplifying it with a light amplifying Red Stone, Kars began to refine the Stone Mask, but while the majority of these stones were defective, it was founded with a perfect Super Red Stone that could change any pillar man into a perfect living form when combined with the mask. After a lot of struggle, Kars kills them as a whole, save for one aly and two children, which he will raise as allies. Their actions have rendered Kars a foe to his own people. Kars was stitched into a pillar of stone but was awakened two thousand years later. Now again he tries to unite the Stone Mask with the Super Red Stone of Aja into the ultimate form of life.
Powers & Abilities
- Light Mode: Kars possesses a particular elementary power, as Wammu and Esidisi, with its power being that of light. He utilizes it to emanate light from his claws, blinding opponents, running down his bone blades.
- Light Slip Blades: From his arms and legs, Kars can generate bone blades. These blades are coated by little claws that spin quickly when Kars utilizes the blades, thus they operate like chainsaws. These blades are sufficiently sharp to cut most metals.
- Body Manipulation: Kars can freely modify their own body at will, like all Pillar Men. He can flatten down in tight areas or dislocate or even shatter his bones to modify their shape.
- Absorption: The major nourishment mechanism of the Pillar Man is the absorption of people in their bodies. They produce digesting enzymes from their flesh which, through direct contact, melt the objective on the cellular level.
- Healing Factor: Kars can heal from nearly any wound like does all other Pillar men.
- Superhuman Strength, Speed, Durability, and Intelligence: Like all men of Pillar, Kars is in almost every sense superior physically to humans and stone mask vampires.
- Â Heat Detection: He is able to feel all heat sources in a room accurately enough to identify the whole layout of a space and its appearance.
Do you think that these strengths are so incredible? Share your thoughts with us in the comment box and we can discuss more the anime world!