8 Things You Didn’t Know about Dio Brando

8 Things You Didn’t Know about Dio Brando

Dio Brando is from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, a Japanese manga series that had an enormous effect on the mainstream culture in Japan. In this regard, the effect of the series is not restricted to Japanese pop culture, thus individuals in the West may identify more than one of the Internet connections. Dio, however, is one of JoJo’s greatest saddlers, not surprising given the essential part of the 1st, 3rd, 6th and 7th plot arcs in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. There are eight facts you could or could not have learned from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure about Dio Brando:

Multiple Namesakes

Dio’s got several namesakes. Hirohiko Araki wanted the name of a villain to seem cool and he christened him “God,” the creator of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures. Secondly, Dio is a reference to the same name American heavy metal band. Thirdly, Brando is Marlon Brando’s reference. On that basis, it should not be surprising that Araki is a great devotee of US pop culture.

Meant to Be Wholly Malevolent

8 Things You Didn’t Know about Dio Brando

A combination of both good and terrible attributes exists from a lot of villains. Dio’s not one of them, however. Instead, Araki meant that he was totally malicious and, thus, Dio had thrown it as a metaphor of Dio’s decision to cast away his metaphorical humanity, his actual mankind.

Child of a Drunkard

Dio is the son of a guy called Dario Brando, who stumbles upon the scene of the Joestar family vehicle accident. Dario and his son Jonathan had a false belief that George Joestar had rescued him. So, after his early death, George Joestar had promised Dario a favor, and hence he ended Dio’s adoption from drink. Dio’s incredibly harsh childhood unfortunately had a very severe influence on his personality, which worsened rapidly.

Became a Vampire

Dio’s sins finally culminated with a weird stone mask from South America that became a vampire. This would be his humanity’s actual casting, a sign of his imagery with his humanity.

Got Reduced to a Head in the First Story Arc

8 Things You Didn’t Know about Dio Brando

Dio is quite stubborn, even with villain standards. He literally lives, for instance, before attacking Jonathan Joestar, when he is on a honeymoon trip with his wife Erina, in the first arc of JoJo’s bizarre adventure. Again, Dio is apparently murdered when, even though Jonathan was mortally injured, Jonathan manages to destroy the ship, and Erina gets to get away from the ship with the other Dio survivor aboard the ship.

Survived By Grafting His Head on His Adopted Brother’s Body

It turned out, however, that Dio managed to survive with his head grafting on Jonathan’s body before shutting himself in a hat to wait a while. Finally, a salvage ship found the coffin and started the three-story arc events.

Died for Real in the Third Story Arc

Jonathan’s grandson, Joseph’s grandson Jotaro, and his pals overcame Dio for the third story. Joseph and Jotaro then exposed his body to the sun and made sure he really was dead. That did not preclude him from having importance to the storyline in the latter arcs of the novel.

Had a Son

For example, Giorno Giovanna, who was Dio’s son after escaping from the shipwreck, is the protagonist of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s fifth story arc. Giorno is technically considered a part of the Joestar family because Dio then used Jonathan’s body and shows a weird mix of features from the two men.